
Thursday, 5 April 2012


Assume we have a production database i.e "PC01PRMY" which is keep up and running in 24x7 environment and their master DBA's has decided to setup physical standby i.e. "PC01SBY1" at remote location for disaster recover solutions as well as to make production available all the time while routine maintenance operations on production.

I have already posted on our blog, how to setup physical standby database for production but this time I would like to share few tips while setup and while administrating DR site.

Tips 1> Better to use Active database duplication to setup standby database in spite of using backup copy. As you know about Active database duplication where duplicate database is created using online copy of production data files and in fact it doesn't require any staging area as well and we also don't need to apply any redo logs. When you use active database duplication better to perform some log switching manually on primary side cause if there is no log switching happened so far on primary side, in this case your duplicate database failed and you have to restart it after cleanup everything.

Tips 2> Configure Oracle Net properly between Primary and Standby because what I found students normally does mistakes there and later on we face lot of difficulties to resolve them, especially when your database managed by Oracle restart where we have separate grid and database home and default listener is running from grid home.

Oracle Net configuration includes three main steps-

Configure Listener (Keep in mind Listener home and port number)

Register database service with Listener (Use correct service name and Oracle database home)

Configure TNS alias for database service (Use correct hostname, Listener port number and database service name)

Tips 3> Though LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_N parameter default value is ENABLE but still I recommend you to set this parameter manually.

Tips 4> Better to setup Standby Redo log groups in advance on primary side. (You know better why?)

Tips 5> Better to configure LOCAL_LISTENER parameter manually and set the address of those Listener which we are using for Oracle Net connectivity so that PMON will register a service with the name "db_unique_name_DGB.db_domain" automatically at run time which is use by broker internally for inter-communication.

Tips 6> If you are managing Data Guard using Broker then please consider followings points-

=> when you remove database or entire broker configuration using REMOVE DATABASE or REMOVE CONFIGURATION better to use PRESERVE DESTINATIONS options else when you remove the database from configuration broker will reset their corresponding parameters like LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_N, LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG etc.

=> Use SPFILE if you are managing Data Guard using broker and modify archive dest attributes through broker only else there would be inconsistency in broker configuration and spfile settings if we modify using ALTER SYSTEM command.

=> Identify inconsistent attribute settings between broker and spfile using SHOW DATABASE <DB_NAME> INCONSISTENTPROPERTIES. If you want to remove inconsistency with broker values then just disable and enable the database using broker and if you want to remove inconsistency with spfile values then update the values using EDIT DATABASE broker command.

=> Sometimes we need to recreate the broker configuration but even after recreating broker reads previous broker configuration from memory. To overcome from this problem you have to change broker configuration files location just to enforce broker to read new configuration settings.


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1 comment:

Vinay Magrania said...

Hi can you post, how i can take a backup on Data guard Scenario ,I have already many try but not successfull